Explore With Me.
This website is a collection of things that I want to share
with you like posts about stuff that I am passionate about,
things that I find interesting or just life in general. Everything
based on my website is of my own personal opinion.

A heart survivor and advocate. Proud Florida Gator. Social media professional. Current Ms. Florida Global Continental. Former Ms. Florida United States (1RU at Ms. United States 2019). Creator. Former professional wrestling personality. Baseball fan (MLB Fan Cave Top 30, 2012).

Queen Bee Social is a remote social media company which I founded to assist businesses and individuals in their evolving digital needs. I am Hootsuite and Google AdWords Certified. Additionally, I hold a M.A. from the University of Florida in Mass Communication with a specialization in Social Media. Learn More.

I love crafting and from time to time, add aprons and other items to my Etsy store.
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