Song Post #88: Here’s to the Night


July 26, 2014

Song: “Here’s to the Night” – Eve 6

Story: As you read this, I’m probably dancing around and having an awesome time at a concert–I’ve set this to autopost. I picked this song because eight years ago this very evening, I experienced one of the worst days of my entire life. The lyrics, “Here’s to the nights we felt alive, here’s to the tears you knew you’d cry, here’s to goodbye tomorrow’s gonna come too soon,” really fit how I feel.

Back in 2006, I sat in an emergency room for five hours before I was given word that I had a heart condition called WPW. In the early morning hours of the 27th, I then found out that surgery would be required. That was the beginning to months of mental chaos. It’s really hard to comprehend that stuff.

So… here’s to tonight. Here’s to having an amazing time. Here’s to being blessed and thankful that I’ve gotten this time to experience such incredible things. Most of all… here’s to the strength it takes to know that life moves on and that you’re stronger than you know.

From a hospital bed to dancing around with an arena full of strangers. Eight years can make such a big difference.