Hey friends!
It is that time of the year again! February 3, 2017 marks National Wear Red Day. The best part is, it does not cost you a dime to participate. The objective is to just wear red and support the women in your life. It’s scary to think how far heart health has come but that statistics are also showing that one in three women will be diagnosed with Heart Disease in her lifetime. It is STILL the number one killer of women and it is 80% preventable.
I love you guys. I want the best for you. If we can prevent this by 80%, let’s do it! We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I’ve spent so much time emailing and writing letters via snail mail to local and state government officials urging them to participate and support wearing red. We need to start somewhere and I want to thank YOU for helping me spread the word and being part of this health movement. We can all seriously make a difference.
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