May 26, 2014
This blog is going to get a tad personal for a second. I’m also going to skip over some things because I plan to do a much more detailed blog in July to celebrate a year of transformation. I apologize if details seem vague, but there are things that I really want to wait to share until then :o)
If you follow me on Twitter, you may have a good idea about my story, but if not… you will all in good time!
Last July I decided that it was time to make myself a priority.
It’s imperative to keep that goal in mind because I was happy, I wasn’t looking to lose weight or find attention; I wanted to finally do something for myself that nobody else could do for me.
I started a bucket list back in 2006 and one thing on that list was to do a swimsuit photo shoot. That probably sounds really funny but it takes a lot of courage to actually get out there and do it. I put out feelers for a photographer last year (for TFP) and it never came to fruition. Which, looking back now, I know that was for the best.
There was no immediate need to do it now. But, I decided that it really was just time to do it. What better time is there than now? Plus, it will give me something to measure my future results against.
Now, I feel really strange about posting a shot here on my website in a blog post rather than in my portfolio quietly like any other photo, but it is what it is. It’s been a part of my journey and it’s going to be part of where I’m going. I want to continue to work on myself and to be more conscious about the decisions that I’m making.