May 5, 2014
“Finale B” – RENT
Story: If you want to see me cry like a baby… chances are that you only need to sit me down and put RENT on. If you’ve never seen the movie or musical, then I don’t want to spoil the plot for you so I’ll just keep this really simple. The entire focus is love. Loving people who are different, strangers, yourself… and having that powerful moment where you realize that no matter what is going on in life, you can get through it with love–love from friends, family and strangers. Life is seriously crazy sometimes, and it is concepts like this that I think people take for granted. We constantly stack our worries and problems up so high and focus on trying to climb them by ourselves; wondering where the next step is and how we’re going to get there. Our problems are not stacked as high as we think they are when we allow ourselves to step back and look at the big picture–everyone around us has things going on too and being there for one another is what helps each of us through.
I was really lucky and back in the summer of 2007, my Dad took me to see the musical on Broadway while Tamyra Grey played Mimi and Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp–two original cast members–were back. It was seriously nothing short of amazing.